
A new volume to enrich the series Supplementum Corvinianum

The writing on the corvina library by Augustinian monk Xystus Schier edited by István Monok in collaboration with Péter Ekler, was published as the fifth volume of the series Supplementum Corvinianum. The dissertation, first published in 1766, can be considered as a forerunner to the innovative corvina research of modern times, as it concluded the early modern corvina reception richly interwoven with ‘mythical’ elements and facilitated a scientific approach with its monographic style and systematic approach to sources. The Hungarian translation accompanying the Latin text published in facsimile praises the work of Zoltán Ábrahám.

Information about the volume: Xystus Schier: Dissertatio de Regiae Budensis bibliothecae Mathiae Corvini ortu, lapsu, interitu et reliquiis – Discussion of the establishment, decline, ruin, and the remains of Matthias Corvinus’ royal library in Buda, ed., afterword by István Monok, trans. Zoltán Ábrahám, indexes by Péter Ekler, Budapest: National Széchényi Library 2019 (Supplementum Corvinianum V).

Earlier volumes of the series